Star Trek: Discovery Episode 3.6 Review: Ups And Downs From Scavengers

7. Burnham Going Rogue Again (DOWN)

Star Trek Discovery Season 3 Refit

How many times are the writers going to do this? Will this simply be something that needs to be ticked off on the Burnham seasonal checklist? This is seriously getting old.

To be clear - Sonequa Martin Green sells the heck out of it again, but the idea of Burnham doing a bunk again and landing her captain in a hot mess just reeks of forced storytelling.

Part of her journey from season one to season three was learning to live with the guilt of her decision to commit mutiny aboard the Shenzhou (which gets a nice shout out this week), a decision which resulted in the death of her captain. This has been, partly at least, the crux of her relationship with Emperor Georgiou.

So, for her to simply walk out, take Book's ship and leave Saru to explain what has happened to Admiral Vance is so far beyond tearing up her character development that it is almost offensive. Yes, it is absolutely fair to bear in mind that she has spent a year with Book. It is not so much saving Book that is the issue. It is that, yet again, Burnham has decided that the rules do not apply to her, no matter how much lip service she pays.

'I would rather regret something I've done than something I didn't do.'

That is a sentence that, unfortunately, rings hollow.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick