Star Trek Enterprise Cast: Where Are They Now?

5. John Billingsley

Star Trek Enterprise

John Billingsley has appeared in many, many productions in his time. His as Dr. Phlox is probably his biggest continual part to date, though he has had starring roles in other vehicles along the way.

During his time on Enterprise, he appeared in a tongue-in-cheek episode of Stargate SG-1, where he plays a Star Trek obsessed scientist. He also appeared in a Star Trek themed episode of Roswell, playing himself, along with Johnathan Frakes.

Once Enterprise wrapped, Billngsley has continued to keep quite busy with various roles throughout both film and television. He appeared in the disaster movie 2012, working as one of the technicians attempting to save mankind. On television, he continued to stick with a lot of Sci-Fi shows, including the revival of Twin Peaks and True Blood.

Billingsley is married to Bonita Friedericy, with whom he appeared in the second season episode Regeneration. She played one of the unfortunately doomed scientists who discover the Borg. Together, they have acted alongside fellow husband and wife team, Armin Shimerman and Kitty Swink.

Most recently, Billingsley has returned (sort of) to a Roddenery-equse future, taking a part in Seth MacFarlane's The Orville. There, he plays a rival to Trek alumni (and fellow doctor) Robert Picardo.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick