Star Trek: Every Helmsman Ranked From Worst To Best

11. Wesley Crusher

Star Trek Helsmen

Shut up Wesley!

Acting-Ensign Crusher could often be seen at the helm of the USS Enterprise-D, where he was assigned duties after regularly impressing the command staff with his scientific and engineering acumen. While he's regularly regarded as one of the most annoying characters ever to grace the screens of Star Trek, he had heart.

Wesley was left without a father when his father Jack's good friend Jean-Luc Picard was forced to leave him behind on a critical mission. Picard delivered the news himself to Wesley and his mother, Dr. Beverly Crusher and Wesley recalled many years later the exact look in Jean-Luc's eyes, remember the sadness there.

As the years went by, Wesley grew from plucky but frustratingly talented child into full-scale cadet at Starfleet Academy. His assumed rising career took a sharp turn when he was assigned piloting detail alongside a certain Nick Locarno, leaving him a decision between loyalty to his fellow cadets or loyalty to Captain Picard's singular virtue... the truth. Wesley's decisions after this took him away from the helm of a starship, to travel beyond with a mysterious alien.

Still, would have been good if he'd been less irritating.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'