Star Trek: Every Hero Ship Ranked Worst To Best

6. The Enterprise NCC-1701-E

star trek every hero ship ranked

Because of rising conflict in the Alpha Quadrant after Star Trek: Generations, the Enterprise-E was designed to be much more combat-oriented than it's predecessor. It had several more phaser arrays and photon torpedo launchers, as well as a dedicated launcher for quantum torpedoes (a newly invented warhead using plasma as an explosive). Additionally, no civilian families or children were allowed onboard, unlike the previous Enterprise.

This Sovereign-class vessel was longer than the Enterprise-D, but with much less internal space. It also lacked the neck that most Starfleet ships have to connect the saucer to the secondary hull, likely because this area would be a weak spot in conflict.

The Enterprise-E was absolutely one of the sleekest and most intimidating vessels in the fleet, but it falls behind many of the others on this list because it didn't really introduce many new features. Honestly, the refitted Enterprise-D from the alternate future in All Good Things would've been a cooler evolution, featuring an extremely powerful new phaser weapon under the saucer, mounted cannons near the bridge, a third nacelle, and the ability to cloak.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.