Star Trek: Every Hero Ship Ranked Worst To Best

7. The Protostar

star trek every hero ship ranked

Star Trek: Prodigy introduced us to the USS Protostar, a gorgeous 24th century prototype Starfleet vessel, equipped with a number of unique devices.

The Protostar's most revolutionary feature was it's new propulsion system, the proto-drive, which allowed it to move unbelievably fast by harnessing the power of an actual protostar (another name for a newly forming star). Using this tech, the Protostar could travel over 4,000 lightyears in a matter of minutes, a journey that would take months, or even years, with a conventional warp drive.

Additionally, the ship had a holographic assistant in the image of Captain Janeway from Voyager, along with holographic emitters throughout most of the ship, and a vehicle replicator, a scaled-up version of ordinary replicators that could be used to produce shuttles and land vehicles.

While this ship was definitely cool, most of it's unique features were just advancements of already existent technologies, like a faster propulsion system, more holo-emitters, and a bigger replicator.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.