Star Trek: Every Medical Officer Ranked

8. Leonard "Bones" McCoy (Kelvin Timeline)

Star Trek Medical
Paramount Pictures

Each of the Kelvin Timeline films give a taste of the ministrations of the reboot reality's Doctor Leonard "Bones" McCoy: Star Trek (2009) depicts McCoy deliberately inducing the side effects of the vaccine to protect against Melvaran mud fleas to smuggle Cadet Kirk aboard the Enterprise, in Star Trek Into Darkness McCoy used a dead tribble to experiment with Khan's super blood (causing us to wonder where he got the dead tribble in the first place), and in Star Trek Beyond he just went around ripping shrapnel out of people.

With just these few examples, it's not clear how he stacks up to his Prime Universe counterpart in the medical field, but Karl Urban's performance as McCoy is a bright spot in the 2009, 2013, and 2016 reboot movies.

Unlike TOS McCoy, whose nickname was derived from "sawbones", this McCoy was known as Bones because, according to him, that was all that was left after his wife left him. This is a significantly darker, more traumatic origin for the character, but he is more or less the same man – all passion, sarcasm, and "my God man"-s.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).