Star Trek: EVERY Season Ranked Worst To Best

29. Deep Space Nine - Season 1

Every Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

Well, not the end. Not when this entry is dealing with the first season of the Original Series' second spin off show, Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

Deep Space Nine was a highly ambitious idea, one that would lock the action into a single location, on board the space station. This was totally opposite to the Enterprise's travels throughout the quadrant. It would also be a darker show, veering away from Roddenberry's bright vision of the future.

The first season, like any first season of a show, simply suffers from a lack of true direction and changes of tone. The actors are settling into their roles and working on portrayals. Emissary is an excellent and contemplative adventure but the jewel of the season is Duet, featuring the incredible performance by Harris Yulin.

Deep Space Nine was a bold entry into the franchise that had, for the most part, remained in a bright version of the future. This show seemed to challenge all of that, holding a mirror up to the darkest aspects of culture and oppression. While Major Kira would come to be one of the strongest characters on the show, her first season saw her coming on a little strong at times. When Nana Visitor settled into the role, we were gifted with an incredible performance.

The first season served as a teaser for what was to come. The weakest of Deep Space Nine's seven seasons, yet still a strong indicator of greatness to come.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick