Star Trek: Every Vulcan Ability You Need To Know

4. Pain Suppression

Vulcan Mind Meld

To a certain extent, Vulcans are able to suppress not only emotion, but pain as well. To a certain extent...

Vulcans learn to have a profoundly expert level of control over their bodily functions, so much so that they can go into a trance-like state to lessen their pain, all by pure will-power alone. This power is the result of rigorous training over decades, but can be incredibly valuable if mastered. Not only that, but in this trance-like state of mind, a Vulcan can actually redirect all of their body's available energy into healing an injury or keeping the body alive. This can greatly improve survival rates when dealing with infections, wounds, and other ailments.

It should be said, though, that as Tuvok stated in the Voyager episode, Resistance, this power has its limits. Even Vulcans feel pain when it's severe enough, but you're probably not gonna catch Spock complaining about a tummy ache.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.