Star Trek: Is There A Place For The Kelvin Timeline Anymore?

5. Was The Wait Worth It?

Star Trek 2009 Enterprise

In a word: Yes.

While there may well have been many significant worries about the style and tone of the film, Star Trek 2009 instantly reinvigorated the franchise and brought it back into the spotlight. The late '00s saw a resurgence in older franchises, with Star Wars following quickly and Jurassic World not a million miles away.

Star Trek was more of a by-product of this than a cause, yet the introduction of new fans to the series also gave the previous shows more attention and spotlight, allowing them to grow in estimation. Also, the film name drops Archer, allowing a well-deserved recognition of Enterprise.

The difference between the fallout from 2009 and the audiences of today is that the world is now approaching a time when there is more Trek available than ever before. This Trek owes a large debt to Star Trek 2009, yet there is very little mention of it.

Back in 2009, it was all the audiences had - a sequel was sure to follow.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick