Star Trek Lower Decks: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Second Contact'
8. Holodeck "Adventures"
Boimler, Mariner, and Tendi take the holodeck for a spin and visit a beach in Hawaii, giving Boimler the opportunity to make a Star Wars: Attack of the Clones reference about sand.
Tendi uses the holodeck, which like so much of this show is pulled directly from Star Trek: The Next Generation, to visit the Adashake Center on her home planet of Orion. The styling of the buildings are similar to the set on which Vina performed her Orion slave girl dance in "The Cage" and the seedy Orion Cabaret from Star Trek: Discovery's "Will You Take My Hand?"
Boimler programs the holodeck to take the group to the USS Cerritos' warp core, which appears to be a blend of the more complicated core from Star Trek Into Darkness and the one we're familiar with from TNG – it even has a sort of tepid version of the warp core hum from that latter series.
Mariner calls up "Mariner Program: All Nude Olympic Training Facility" and it's about time Star Trek finally addressed what people would really be using the holodeck for: That.