Star Trek Picard: 10 Plotlines Season 3 Should Address

6. Status Of Benjamin Sisko Or Kathryn Janeway

Borg Riker Update Star Trek

Whilst Jean-Luc Picard is the iconic captain of the 24th century, he was hardly the only Federation from that era that fans have been familiar with for the past few decades. Kathryn Janeway and Benjamin Sisko both had their own time in the limelight as they faced tough situations along with distinguishing themselves as worthy Starfleet Captains.

As for Kathryn Janeway, she guided the crew of the USS Voyager back from the Delta Quadrant decades ahead of schedule. She was eventually promoted to the position of Admiral by the time of Star Trek Nemesis and appearing in Star Trek Prodigy. Seven of Nine has mentioned her old Captain had fought for her as Starfleet had refused to accept the ex-Borg into their ranks but this was met with a stern refusal.

Benjamin Sisko was arguably one of the most notable people of the Dominion War. This was seen throughout Deep Space Nine as he safeguarded the Alpha Quadrant from various threats. He eventually fell into the chasm fiery abyss of the Bajoran Fire Caves and was pulled into the Prophets' plane of existence. He gave a final farewell to his pregnant wife Kasidy Yates and promised he will return. There was a mention of a 'General Sisko' in the alternate timeline this season which had hinted at his return.

With both of these Starfleet Captains being pivotal to the universe, it would be great to welcome them back to the fold and discover their adventures in the intervening years.

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A tech geek and superhero fan at heart! Having graduated with a law degree, Jonathan now seeks to broaden his horizons with various journalistic contributions. He has already written for a consumer electronics blog as well as a legal-tech startup. Currently wishing for Manchester United to regain some form whilst wishing for a Ferrari success finally!