Star Trek: Picard - 4 Ups & 5 Downs From Et In Arcadia Ego (Part 1)

1. Did We Really Need Another Evil Woman?

Star Trek Picard

Ooooooooh boy, the incels must low-key be having a field day with this show now.

First off, Picard seeks out the help of Starfleet's Admiral Clancy. She has absolutely zero time for him whatsoever, drops Star Trek's first-ever F-Bomb and throws him out of her office. Women ey, what are they like?

Then we meet Commodore Oh, she's a Romulan spy who not only seeks to interfere with Picard's mission but, it is revealed, was behind the Synth attack on Mars that killed thousands and led to the total ban of synthetic life in the Federation. Women ey, what are they like?

Then there's Narissa, a vicious and deadly Tal Shiar operative who's out to kill Soji, scupper Picard's mission and, apparently, shag her own brother. She murders Hugh in cold blood and jettisons thousands of Borg drones into space. Women ey, what are they like?

On the way, we meet Bjayzl, a gang lord on Freecloud who's been harvesting live XBs for parts! Our intrepid gang are able to rescue Bruce Maddox from her evil clutches... until Agnes turns traitor and murders him on the hospital bed! Women ey, what are they like!?

Anyway, with all that behind us, we arrive on Coppelius, where we meet, amongst others, an earlier version of Soji. She's sinister, she's sexy, and she wants to bring about the death of all organic life in the universe.



While it's nice to see so many female characters getting so much agency in their own stories, it would be nice if they used it for something other than evil.

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