Star Trek: Picard - 6 Ups & 3 Downs From Nepenthe


6. Your Thoughts To My Thoughts

Commodore Oh

We're used to starting Picard with a flashback but this week sees the shortest time hop of all; a short skip back to Episode 2 and Commodore Oh putting the fear of God into Agnes, to try and dissuade her for the life mantra of Androids = Good. Something, something, is going to happen if Synthetic life is allowed to exist and she just mind dumps it all on the poor girl as she's trying to have her lunch.

It's no more than we expected out of this situation. Not showing us the details of their conversation left a heavy implication that Agnes was being used as part of this Romulan/Federation conspiracy, but the devil here is in the detail. She's not being manipulated, or threatened, or extorted, she's being convinced.

This adds a really smart wrinkle in the dynamic of she show. If a woman who has has worked in Synthetic research for her entire life can be so easily terrified by the consequences of their existence, who's to say our heroes are even on the right side.

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