Star Trek: Picard - 6 Ups & 3 Downs From Nepenthe

1. Agnes

Picard Agnes

Perhaps it's a deliberate result of the way they're writing her, and all of these loose ends will connect in time for her to save the day, but the sporadic motivations and actions of Dr Agnes Jurati are becoming difficult to keep up with. She begged to be included in this mission - as a result, we discovered, of Commodore Oh putting the willies up her - but has since jumped between being very helpful, committing actual murder, and now putting herself in a coma.

Make your mind up.

If she was here to ensure the mission failed, she could have left everyone stranded on Freecloud. If she was part of a wider plot to find the Android homeworld, why did she off Maddox before he could tell his rescuers everything about their construction. If she's now desperate to do the right thing, why doesn't she just take an escape pod and bail?

A lot of this can be forgiven with a bit of a hand wave and the words "give her a break, she's not good at this spy stuff", but there's no real explaining why seasoned intelligence office Raffi, and seen-it-all-before pilot Rios suspect each other before they suspect her.

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