Star Trek: Picard - 7 Ups & 2 Downs From Stardust City Rag

4. Easter Eggs

Star Trek Picard

This could be an entire article itself (and indeed it will be) but the amount of Easter Eggs and clever references hidden in this episode were a golden gift from heaven to bigtime Star Trek nerds. They ranged from the subtle to the blatant, from the huge to the hidden, and it'll likely be weeks until they're all fully uncovered.

A few quick highlights if you've not read the full article yet. Quark getting namedropped and apparently franchising out his bar, Maddox drinking Tranya from The Original Series, The Breen, The Neutral Zone, Picard's old Bolian barber from the Enterprise-D, the USS Voyager and, best of all, Seven of Nine being caught off-guard at the use of her human name, Annika.

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