Star Trek Picard: 8 Things Everyone Missed In The Final Trailer
Seven of Nine shooting up a Romulan dive bar? Make it so.

In only 4 weeks' time, Star Trek will take it's first major step forward in over a decade. Not since the opening flashbacks of JJ Abrams 2009 Star Trek re-imagining, where we were told the galaxy was in disarray following the destruction of the Romulan homeworld, have we visited the timeline that gave us The Next Generation, Voyager, and Deep Space Nine. But in 2020 elements of all three shows will combine for one brave new world.
Or, to word that another way, we are less than a month away from Star Trek Picard.
CBS's new series will see Jean-Luc Picard, former Captain of the Enterprise, cutting short his retirement. He'll be getting a new ship, an all-new crew, and embarking upon one final mission to save a young girl on the run from powers unknown. He'll tangle with the Borg, the Romulans, and elements of Starfleet itself, but even this close to release that's virtually all we know.
Thankfully though the network has seen fit to release one final 30-second long trailer. Hidden within are brand new shots, as well as existing ones that have been thrown into sharper focus with more context. CBS knows exactly what they're doing here, and for such a short teaser they've managed to pack it full of juicy nuggets for Trek fans to find. Let's explore.