Star Trek Picard: 8 Things Everyone Missed In The Final Trailer

5. Segregation

Romulans Only Picard

Despite not having aired a single episode yet, Star Trek Picard absolutely loves dropping in a subtle Easter Egg via some background signage. Our first look at the show gave us that tantalizing "5,843 days since the last assimilation" scrawled on the wall of the Romulan detention centre, and this time out there's something equally as intriguing for a few different reasons.

"Romulans Only" written very clearly in a typeface that matches the race in question, but nonetheless in English. This is a sign, written by Romulans, but designed to be read by humans. Whatever location this is taking place (be that Vulcan or elsewhere) the main populations are Human and Romulan, and there's a clear integration problem between the two.

Without making this entry overtly political, Star Trek (and sci-fi) in general has always been a mirror for society, so to be making an allegory for the current refugee crises across the world feels as important as it is poignant.

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