Star Trek: Picard: Analyzing All The Ships From Season One

6. Romulan Bird-of-Prey (23rd Century)

Picard Starships

A relic from the 23rd century, the La Sirena encounters an antique Romulan Bird-of-Prey commanded by the warlord Kar Kantar in "Absolute Candor".

Appropriately updated with modern details like glowing engines and detailed hull patterning, Kar Kantar's Bird-of-Prey is faithful to the original 1960s design that appeared in Star Trek: The Original Series' "Balance of Terror", "The Deadly Years", and the remastered version of "The Enterprise Incident".

Like the Birds-of-Prey from The Original Series and the updated 24th century Birds-of-Prey that also appeared in "Absolute Candor" and later episodes of Star Trek: Picard, Kar Kantar's ship features the distinctive feather design painted beneath the primary hull – it's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it detail, but a nice nod to the ship's original appearances.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).