Star Trek: Picard: Analyzing All The Ships From Season One

12. Mars Defense Ship

Picard Starships

The ships the Synths used in their First Contact Day attack on Mars go unnamed, but they technically first appeared prior to Star Trek: Picard in the Short Trek "Children of Mars". These vehicles are, however, heavily featured in the flashbacks to the Mars attack in "Maps and Legends" where their Starfleet markings (which were missing in the VFX shots in "Children of Mars") can be seen, indicating these are likely Federation defense ships commandeered by the synths.

Armed with phasers, the Synth ships are depicted strafing the surface of Mars and destroying an orbiting space station. They're an usual design that may or may not be kit bashes (that is preexisting ships that are modified by the production to represent different vehicles) of the Section 31 drones that battled the USS Discovery and USS Enterprise in Star Trek: Discovery's second season finale "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part II".


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).