Star Trek Picard: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Et In Arcadia Ego, Part 1'

8. Clever Sutra

Star Trek Brent Spiner

Even though it was stated Soji and Dahj were created as a pair, "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1" confirms that there are more Soji-like androids out there after last week's episode revealed that Rios had previously met an android that looked like Soji called Jana. Here, we are introduced to Sutra, Jana's twin, who is identical to Soji and Dahj except for her more android-like appearance.

Altan says Sutra is kind of a Vulcanophile – she's read the works of the Vulcan philosopher Surak (who appeared in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Awakening" and has been referenced in numerous episodes), plays the Vulcan lute (which Spock played in the TOS episode "Charlie X", here referred to as a "ka’athyra"), and knows how to mind meld. This is similar to Data's Vulcan-like tendencies which were referenced in the TNG episode "Data's Day" and depicted in "Unification II" where Spock taught Data the Vulcan neck pinch.

Sutra thinks the Admonition (see "Broken Pieces") is intended for synthetic minds that won't break (see "Maps and Legends"), so she conducts a mind meld on Agnes to see what Commodore Oh put in there. When she breaks the connection after viewing the stock footage montage of life, death, synthetic evolution, and destruction, Sutra calls it "fascinating" in a very Spock and very Data-like way.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).