Star Trek Picard: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Nepenthe'

13. Hero Worship

Star Trek Sex Pistols

Having basically grown up in the woods with Riker and Troi, Kestra is a Star Trek: The Next Generation super fan and knows everything about Data.

She asks Soji in rapid-fire succession is she can play the violin, likes Sherlock Holmes, can run superfast, jump really high, or bend steel with her bare hands. Data can be seen playing violin in numerous episodes including "Sarek", "Tin Man", "In Theory", and "Inheritance".

The android's love of Sherlock Holmes originated in the first season episode "Lonely Among Us" and Data actually played the character on the holodeck in the episodes "Elementary, Dear Data" and "Ship in a Bottle". Data's physical abilities were infrequently demonstrated, but he was often shown lifting heavy objects like in the episode "Hero Worship" and he jumped long distances in the movies Star Trek: First Contact and Star Trek Nemesis.

Soji admits she has blood, spit, and mucus (unlike Data), which Kestra believes is consistent with what Data would do if he created an android daughter (another one, see "The Offspring"). According to Kestra, all Data wanted to do was to have dreams ("Birthright, Part I", "Phantasms"), tell jokes ("The Outrageous Okona"), and learn how to ballroom dance ("Data's Day").

Yup, she's seen all the episodes.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).