Star Trek Picard: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Remembrance'

1. Dr. Bruce Maddox

Star Trek The Next Generation Picard Bruce Maddox

The deepest of deep cuts during the episode, however, was Dr. Jurati referring to Dr. Bruce Maddox, telling Picard that he recruited her out of Starfleet, and after the ban on creating synths following the massacre on the Utopia Planitia Shipyards, he disappeared.

Maddox (Brian Brophy) was a Starfleet cyberneticist who appeared in The Next Generation's season two episode "The Measure of a Man" and took considerable interest in Data. Even so, hearing him namedropped in Picard was quite a surprise indeed.

The implication seems to be that Maddox may be responsible for the creation of Dahj and Soji, and as not-so-subtly implied by the cast and crew during recent interviews, Maddox will likely have a significant hand in how this season plays out - and how Data is inevitably resurrected.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.