Star Trek: Ranking The Main Bridges

12. USS Defiant NX-74205

Star Trek Discovery Bridge

The bridge of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's USS Defiant was exactly what it was meant to be: The stripped down, utilitarian heart of a stripped down, utilitarian starship.

Fitting that simplified, warship-but-not-a-warship look, the Defiant's bridge more closely resembled the arrangement of the original Enterprise than it did the lavishly appointed Enterprise-D or USS Voyager.

Apparently a nightmare to shoot due to its small size, the Defiant bridge was a clear contrast to Deep Space 9's massive Cardassian command center, Ops. But compared to other settings in the franchise, the Defiant's bridge just isn't the most stylish or distinctive work of production design, despite the pedigree of its creator Herman Zimmerman.

Zimmerman would have another shot at a similar, submarine-eseque starship bridge for Star Trek: Enterprise to much greater results several years later. And the less said about the purple carpeting and highlights of the second Defiant's the bridge, the better.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).