Star Trek: Ranking The Main Bridges

9. USS Discovery NCC-1031

Star Trek Discovery Bridge

Certainly one of the largest and most impressive bridges in the Star Trek Universe, the bridge of Star Trek: Discovery's USS Discovery is a hybrid of styles ranging from The Next Generation to the Kelvin Timeline.

Designed by Mark Worthington, Disco's bridge reflects the ship's unique bronze and gold exterior color scheme, with a high domed ceiling and impressively large con and ops consoles. The set is distinguished from other bridges by the "working" holographic displays and dramatic lighting setup.

Discovery's bridge is a fairly straightforward amalgam of past Federation ships, but concept art has surfaced showing that the bridge was very nearly much more ambitious than the kind of bare final version that appears on screen. The NCC-1031's bridge is attractive and flashy, but perhaps a bit unnecessarily grand, especially when compared to Star Trek: Discovery's superior take on the bridge of the classic 1701.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).