Star Trek: Ranking The Main Bridges

8. Enterprise NX-01

Star Trek Discovery Bridge

Herman Zimmerman's second stripped down submarine of a starship debuted in 2000's Enterprise (aka Star Trek: Enterprise) and it's one of the franchise's most attractive and unique main bridges.

Unlike the sets from the comfy 24th century that had dominated the franchise during the 90s, Enterprise's NX-01 was a metallic, harder edged, prototypical Starfleet vessel with interiors to match. Dispensing with the carpeting (on the floors and the walls) as well as the warm lighting and rounded edges, the bridge of the NX-01 is probably the most grounded command center in the franchise, but nonetheless sleek and futuristic. Or at least retro-futuristic.

The numerous, very clearly 20th century flat screen monitors built into the set do kind of date the NX-01's bridge, but Star Trek's relationship with technology has always been a muddy one. Your mileage may vary on the revamped fourth season bridge which did introduce carpeting to the set and added powder blue accents, but the seasons one through three NX-01 bridge is one of the greats – successfully communicating the distinct tone and era of the show, while remaining unquestionably Trek.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).