Star Trek: Ranking The Main Bridges

7. USS Cerritos NCC-75567

Star Trek Discovery Bridge

Star Trek: Lower Decks' USS Cerritos is the quintessential TNG-era starship and so is its bridge. A pretty straightforward reinterpretation of the Enterprise-D and Voyager bridges at first glance, the Cerritos bridge is actually surprisingly detailed and stylish for an animated sitcom.

With roughly the same arrangement of consoles as the Enterprise-D (actually the redesigned Enterprise-D from Star Trek Generations), the Cerritos bridge actually incorporates the classic LCARS computer interface styling into the walls and even the carpets.

The Cerritos' bridge is a great design that harkens back to the 90s golden era of Star Trek, surprisingly comforting and oddly faithful when the rest of the franchise is doing its best to carve a new aesthetic niche.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).