Star Trek: The Next Generation - 10 Best Episodes Not About The Main Cast

5. Ensign Ro

Star Trek Ro Laren

The introduction of Michelle Forbes' Ensign Ro is a landmark moment for Star Trek: The Next Generation. Here was a character who simply did not, initially, care what Riker, Picard or any of the rest of the crew felt about her. She was assigned to a mission, she didn't want to be there and she wanted to get it done as quickly as possible.

How were the audience to know that she would become one of the most effective guest stars and a character who would form the template for another main character, Major Kira?

Had Forbes agreed to star on Deep Space Nine, the role of Ensign Ro would have been greatly expanded. However, even with the few episodes the audience were given, she manages to shine. This, her first episode, depicted for the first time the plight of the Bajoran people, struggling to adapt and survive after the Cardassians finally surrendered control on their world and colonies.

Star Trek had never been shy about depicting the damage done by some of the races in their catalogue, though the Cardassians have potentially received the most exposure for this. It is entirely understandable to hate them after witnessing the children in refugee camps in this episode.

While it is as far from a fun episode as one can get, Ensign Ro is essential viewing for anyone wishing to understand her character and also to lead in to Deep Space Nine.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick