Star Trek The Next Generation: Every Season One Episode Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Coming Of Age

Star Trek The Next Generation Season 1

This Wesley-centric episode revolves not only around his attempts to get into Starfleet academy but also introduces the threat of invasion of the Federation by the aliens the audience would later encounter in Conspiracy.

Dropping the plot thread in here makes for a strong beginning to this story and Remmick is pleasantly hateful for much of the episode. The test that Wesley faces to get into Starfleet academy is also a compelling plot point, particularly as it shows Wes competently displaying what he has learned while serving aboard the Enterprise.

The episode also makes reference to several events from earlier in the season and also, quite rightly, shows Picard being questioned for his decision to break the Prime Directive in Justice. While it may be obvious that Picard was not going to let Wesley die, the fact that this is juxtaposed while Wes is displaying his prowess and growth in the psyche test show that Picard was correct on that occasion.

This is a generally strong episode in the season, featuring very good guest stars in both Admiral Quinn and Remmick, and several excellent set pieces. Picard's promise to Wesley, that he will sit the exam the following year, is then depicted in the second season episode Samaritan Snare.

The one aspect of the episode that lets it down is the Jake Kurland storyline. While it is good to display Picard in control of the situation, the rather fair question of how the young man managed to steal a shuttle so easily is not satisfactorialy answered.

We can't have everything, it seems.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick