Star Trek The Next Generation: Every Season One Episode Ranked From Worst To Best

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Star Trek The Next Generation Season 1

This episode introduced the enormous Starbase 74 to the Next Generation, which came about partly due to a rush in the schedules. It had been decided to re-use footage from Star Trek III so that Spacedock could again be featured, with the explanation that it would be in orbit of another planet. However, there was an issue of size.

Originally, the Enterprise D was to be filmed docking outside of Spacedock, as the Galaxy class ship was several times larger than a Constitution class vessel, which in turn meant that it wouldn't fit through the doors of the starbase. The cost of shooting new footage was nixed and it was decided simply to superimpose the Enterprise over the existing shots. That would mean that this particular starbase was several miles larger than Spacedock!

Other than that, the episode introduces Minuet, who would go on to be the mother of Riker's son in another life. The interactions between them stick in Riker's mind as some of the most vivid experiences ever. Actress Carolyn McCormack returned to play Minuet in footage for Future Imperfect.

Jonathan Frakes felt that for him, this was one of the highlights of season one. He felt that it was another example of when they took chances early on, paying off. He loved the Bynars as well, lamenting that they never returned, as he felt they would be great to have on board ship fixing the engines whenever needed. This episode was ranked sixth best overall in a poll for the show's 30th anniversary.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick