Star Trek The Next Generation: Every Season One Episode Ranked From Worst To Best

22. Too Short A Season

Star Trek The Next Generation Season 1

Too Short a Season was the first to feature the new Admiral's outfits, worn by Admiral Jameson. The episode to be fair is not a terrible one, it simply lacks a bit in the telling.

Clayton Rohner gives his level best in the role of Jameson, hindered by poor make up in the early scenes and a wheelchair that never worked. The original pitch would have had him survive the episode but continue de-aging to the point where he is almost the same age as Wesley, with no memory of his former self.

This episode featured interference from Roddenberry's lawyer, Leonard Maizlish. There is a fantastic documentary about the early years of the Next Generation titled Chaos on the Bridge, which chronicles some of the insanity that man brought to the set.

Here, he wrote entire new scenes in D.C. Fontana's script and included handwritten notes on the script, without any sort of authority to do so. This would not be the only time that he would do this, though it seems to have been one of the worst, as Rick Berman threatened to put his full support behind a lawsuit if Fontana decided to pursue one, something he felt she was absolutely entitled to do.

Unfortunately for the episode, the behind the scenes drama is more interesting than the episode shown. Director Rob Bowman felt that the episode had too much dialogue and not enough action, focusing on tell rather than show. A shame, as there is the guts of a decent story here.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick