Star Trek The Next Generation: Every Season Ranked

3. Season 5

Star Trek The Next Generation

The Next Generation's fifth year was a transition period for not just the show but for Star Trek as a whole. Gene Roddenberry, father of all Trek and the Great Bird of the Galaxy, died. Production was suspended on the episode Hero Worship, directed by Patrick Stewart, when news of his death reached the set.

Roddenberry had long had a reputation as a difficult man at times. Ronald D. Moore remembered that he frequently clashed with him and Nicholas Meyer, director of The Undiscovered Country, recalled that his last meeting with him was not a pleasant one and that things were said that he would regret.

This passing can be felt in the season. Unification, originally envisaged as a promotional tool for Star Trek VI, became a loving tribute to the man. The death of Sarek became the show's on screen stand in for the death of Roddenberry - a once great man brought low by illness, remembered by those who knew him. The show however would not overly linger on this theme.

Ro Laren is introduced, played by the wonderful Michelle Forbes. Darmok offers an exploration of communication and understanding, while Wesley Crusher is given his chance to shine in both The Game and The First Duty.

The season is most often remembered for the absolutely stunning and Hugo Award winning The Inner Light, the show's most emotional and poignant episode, is a powerhouse of acting by Patrick Stewart, remaining so resonant all these years later that a throwaway little tune in the background became the theme tune for Star Trek Picard.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick