Star Trek: The Next Generation - Ranking Every Major Character Worst To Best

16. Wesley Crusher

Star Trek The Next Generation Season 1

While Wesley was one of the more interesting characters, on TNG, he could also be a bit of a twerp. He had good moments of character growth. But, these were usually reliant on his relationship with Picard. The problem with Wesley is that his character arc got thrown out the window in the final season.

Wesley's story was always building towards him becoming a Starfleet officer. This was his motivation throughout the series. Yet, in the final season, he abandons that goal completely. As soon as he gets to Starfleet academy he seems to hate it.

He breaks rules, lies about it, and is almost expelled. Finally, he leaves Starfleet, and the corporeal world to go off with The Traveler. This is an alien character introduced in season one and not seen again until the final season.

In terms of character development, this sudden and drastic departure makes little sense. It could have worked, but the writers didn’t put any effort into showing us why Wesely wasn’t meant to be in Starfleet. Or, explaining his motivation behind the sudden change of heart.


John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at