Star Trek The Next Generation Sequel: 10 Things It Must Have

1. Q's Return

Star Trek Q

Just as the Borg have an organic link with Picard, so too does Q. The Captain's story started (and ended in terms of the show) with the enigmatic entity and it is one of the great tragedies of Star Trek movies that we didn't get to see one final appearance by John de Lancie as him.

He did appear in both Deep Space Nine and Voyager but it was his interactions with (and it has to be said affection for) Picard that really defines him as a character. Or at least gives him that extra edge of intrigue.

They may have parted on good terms after All Good Things... but any show focusing on Picard HAS TO include an appearance by Q. There is simply no way the entity would simply stop checking in on his favourite human simply because he'd aged. If there's cause for Picard to still be in Starfleet when he returns, there's cause for Q to still be interested in him.

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