Star Trek The Next Generation Sequel: 10 Things It Must Have

2. An All-Star Cast (Or Cameos At Least)

Star Trek Picard Sisko

This series offers CBS an opportunity that they've never had before thanks to their past decisions to jump around the timeline with new series. It affords them the chance to bring other characters back from Picard's time.

Though fan-service can obviously get a little tiresome if there's TOO MUCH of it, having Next Generation cameos is an absolute must, even if it's limited to a few. Who wouldn't absolutely lose their mind at a Wesley Crusher appearance for instance? It's not like the rest of the crew would have faded out of his life entirely - they had far more than just professional relationships, after all.

And the timeline would also mean that we could have both Deep Space Nine and Voyager cross-overs, allowing for a sort of Greatest Hits-style spirit. And if that were balanced with introducing new characters in the right way, we could be in for an absolute treat.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.