Star Wars: 10 Classic Characters Returning To TV

8. Commander Cody

darth vader immortal

It was The Clone Wars that really delved into both that conflict and the clones themselves, but despite having only a very minor role in Revenge of the Sith, Commander Cody emerged as an immediate fan-favourite. He turned on Obi-Wan after Order 66 was issued, and all that's really known about him from that point is that he became a Stormtrooper and helped enslave Kashyyyk.

Well, when he reportedly returns in the Obi-Wan Kenobi TV series, it's doubtful that will be touched on, but certainly feasible he could arrive on Tatooine and come face to face with his former ally. Exploring that relationship has a lot of potential, as does shedding some light on that transition from the Galactic Republic's Clone Troopers to the Empire's Stormtroopers.

Ultimately, it's far more likely that he will just show up for a brief cameo appearance in those flashbacks to The Clone Wars; even that will be a lot of fun for longtime fans of the franchise.

George Lucas used visual effects to create the Clone Troopers, so it will be interesting seeing a proper live-action take on them during this new era of storytelling.

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.