Star Wars: 10 Things In Disney+'s Obi-Wan Kenobi That Make No Sense

6. Reva's Motivation Makes No Sense

Obi-Wan Kenobi Reva

In Episode V, Reva tells Obi-Wan that she only became an Inquisitor so she could kill Darth Vader, to avenge all the friends he murdered.

However, there's a glaring issue with Reva's motivation. She wants to slay Vader to avenge the Jedi he killed... even though her job is to kill Jedi!

Being a devil's advocate, you could argue that Reva was placed in an impossible situation since she would be murdered if she didn't join The Empire. As a result, she reluctantly became an Inquisitor, knowing it was her only chance of revenge.

However, this logic falls apart since Reva is always eager to kill Jedi, even when the other Inquisitors aren't. When her squad enter Tatooine, it's Reva, not The Grand Inquisitor, that tries to kill innocent people. It's Reva who chops off a civilian's hand after she committed the crime of... yelling.

If her heart was in the right place, she would do everything she could to avoid killing. But she seems so keen to murder, her own superiors repeatedly tell her off, to the point where The Grand Inquisitor tries to relinquish her position.


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