Star Wars: 10 Things In Disney+'s Obi-Wan Kenobi That Make No Sense

5. How Did Obi-Wan Outrun A Tidal Wave?

Obi-Wan Kenobi Reva

In Episode IV, Obi-Wan is shot at by Stormtroopers in an underwater corridor, forcing him to deflect their lasers with his lightsaber. To our hero's horror, one laser is redirected towards a glass wall, cracking it open.

Using the Force, Obi-Wan keeps the glass together, giving his companions enough time to escape. When they reach the other room, Obi-Wan stops using the Force to join them, causing hundreds of gallons to crash into the corridor. Fortunately, he manages to reach the next room, allowing Tala to seal the corridor.

However, it's impossible to outrun a tidal wave. When water bursts through a compact area like what's depicted in this scene, it can move up to 500mph!! Obi-Wan could survive if he just used Force Speed (Star Wars keep forgetting Jedis can do that), but instead, he jogs away from the rushing current.

This may seem like a minor issue, but it's worth mentioning since it could be easily remedied. When Obi-Wan realised the water was breaking through the glass, he could've held it together by using the Force while making his way to the doorway. Once he was in the next room, he could've let the glass shatter without the risk of being drowned.


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