Star Wars: 10 Things That Need To Happen In Andor

Shocking returns, the birth of a Rebel Alliance, and everything else the needs to happen in Andor!

Star Wars Rogue One Cassian Andor

Throwing out small screen epics going down within the various eras of this galaxy far, far away for fun at this point, Disney will once again be firing up their Star Wars streaming service hyper-drives in the not too distant future for perhaps their most ambitious production yet.

Assembling a truly mouth-watering collection of talent in the likes of Diego Luna's titular protagonist, Stellan SkarsgÄrd, and Denis Gough, to name but a few, along with a staggering 200 named characters and a further 6,000 reported extras, it's safe to say this substantial 12-episode first season of Rogue One prequel goodness isn't messing about.

However, despite a few teaser trailers already doing the rounds, a number of articles peeling back the curtain a touch, and it already being reported that a second season is on its way, there's still an intriguing sense of mystery surrounding this dive into, among other things, what possessed Cassian Andor to go from small-time thief to vital cog in a Rebellion.

Despite this undoubtedly being the case, though, there are still a number of developments, including eye-catching comebacks and essential galaxy far, far away occurrences, that fans have been hoping to see go down in the show since its incoming was made official way back in 2018...

10. Enough Storytelling Meat To Span Two Seasons

Star Wars Rogue One Cassian Andor

While Disney unquestionably got off to a particularly strong start when it pertained to their small screen live action corner of the galaxy, the streaming service's most recent efforts, while still showing flickers of promise, haven't quite delivered the same level of widespread critical acclaim as The Mandalorian.

Simply put, despite boasting two of the most cherished and adored feature players the Star Wars universe has to offer in Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi, both of said character's spin-off series felt as though they suffered from trying to squeeze too much screen-time out of a story not designed for television - which was later revealed to have been the case when it comes to the latter in particular.

And with Andor now set to double the amount of episodes seen in Kenobi, unleashing 12 outings onto fans the world over in its first season, you'd hope that Tony Gilroy and the gang have dreamed up a tale that can take advantage of the long-form storytelling format and fans won't be forced to sit through more drawn out sequences being spread too thin over the sizeable amount of entries being brought into existence.

With season one set to cover a whole year of Andor's life as an operative for the Rebellion, though, and season two actually being said to house a few unexpectedly huge time jumps, covering four years of story altogether as a time-jump goes down every three episodes, all signs seem to point to a dense amount of story meat to explore over two well-thought-out seasons.

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Star Wars
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...