Star Wars: 10 Things That Need To Happen In Andor

9. A Seriously Fleshed Out Mon Mothma

Star Wars Rogue One Cassian Andor

And speaking of the hope of the series as a whole being given the space to seriously flesh out the narrative and galaxy in general at this point five-years before the events of Rogue One, the presence of Genevieve O'Reilly's Mon Mothma offers Disney the chance to finally give a much-adored Star Wars figure the sort of live-action attention fans have been clamouring to see for an age.

Acting as what the actor herself, who has played Mothma in everything from Revenge of the Sith, to the Rebels animated series, to Rogue One, classes as a "pillar" of the Rebel Alliance for much of her screen-time to date, O'Reilly's recent words at Star Wars Celebration of now getting "the chance to get to know the woman" during Andor seems to hint at Mothma being given much more time to breathe as a genuine three-dimensional character over the course of the show's two-season run.

And with Tony Gilroy himself also noting how Mothma is set to play a huge part in the overall narrative of the show, with the character taking up a spot as a senator trying to navigate the politics of the Empire whilst simultaneously aiding in the forging the Rebellion according to early reports, the stage looks set for a Mothma breakout moment.

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