Star Wars: 10 Things That Need To Happen In Andor

3. Saw Gerrera's Partisans Arrive On The Scene

Star Wars Rogue One Cassian Andor

Perhaps one of the only real disappointments coming out of the 2016 film that acted as a catalyst for this incoming series being made in the first place came in the form of the eventual lack of screen-time afforded to one of the most significant figures the galaxy far, far away had to offer.

Despite being heavily promoted as a feature player in Rogue One, Forrest Whitaker's Saw Gerrera didn't really make too much of a mark on proceedings before being blasted into oblivion on Jedha. However, with reports circulating of Whitaker's long-awaited live-action return to all things Partisan during the events of Andor, fans can seemingly brace themselves for Gerrera and his group of extreme rebel forces finally getting a decent share of the spotlight alongside Cassian and the other feature players on show.

Fans of The Clone Wars and Rebels animated series are already well aware of what Saw and his loyal Partisans can bring to the party, with the leader himself stopping at nothing to get one over on the Empire. Something that will most likely lead to more than a few stormtroopers being tortured and massacred by the savage contingent on the live-action stage before long.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...