Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Star Destroyers

2. Emperor Palpatine Created The Most Powerful Destroyer Ship Ever For The Final Order

Star Wars Star Destroyer

Sheev Palpatine’s return from the grave in The Rise of Skywalker is easily the most divisive and controversial storyline in the history of the Star Wars saga. But, when the Emperor staged his big comeback, he at least made sure to bring some massive firepower with him.

Above the planet of Exegol, located in the Unknown Regions, Palpatine raised a fleet of Sith Star Destroyers – built to replace the First Order and serve the forces of the Sith Eternal and the Emperor’s Final Order. Each ship was armed with an axial super-laser, capable of destroying an entire planet. Described by Emperor Palpatine as being “a fleet of Star Destroyers a thousand times more powerful than the galaxy has ever seen”, it would be the Sith's Star Destroyer’s biggest weapon that would lead to their downfall.

A fleet of rebellion ships led by Poe Dameron targeted the Destroyer’s axial super-lasers, causing them to explode and take out any adjacent ships from the fleet. The Sith Star Destroyer ships also had to sacrifice hangar space and deep storage areas in order to accommodate the large weaponry. So, while these were easily the Destroyer ships with the most sheer destructive power, they perhaps weren’t the most efficient or defensible.

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