Star Wars: 20 Things You Somehow Missed In Ahsoka (Season 1)

19. A Long Time Ago...

Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka season one boasted a whole host of firsts for the Star Wars franchise - as this list will highlight - but perhaps one of the most unexpected came during the opening stages of episode six.

The first-ever words to pop up on screen in a Star Wars feature were, of course, the fascinating "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." But at no point in a full Skywalker Saga, a number of spin-off movies, and TV series were those words ever uttered in the universe itself on-screen.

Until now.

As Ahsoka and the old architect droid Huyang chat on their way to Peridea inside of a purrgil, the former recalled the History of the Galaxy stories the latter used to tell the younglings when they were training. And after first turning down the offer of hearing one of those old stories, Ahsoka eventually requests a tale from her companion.

It's here when Huyang gets things started with that all too familiar opening line, simultaneously providing fans with an awesome little nod to the line that started it all and possibly suggesting that Huyang could actually be the one recalling the entire Star Wars story chapter of the History of the Galaxy years in the future to some mesmerised youngsters.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...