Star Wars Rebels: Ranking The Crew Of The Ghost Worst To Best

5. Ezra Bridger

Star Wars Rebels Season 2

Ezra Bridger represents the best and worst aspects that Rebels has to offer.

On one hand, his struggle with the dark side and his raw passion make for some exciting scenarios. On the other, his story feels confusing with several plot-lines left behind in favour of moving the overarching story along.

Because he was not raised as a Jedi, Ezra doesn't understand why his emotions should be set aside. With the Darkside being promised as an easy source of power it is understandable why the young Jedi would want to harness it to overthrow the Empire.

This conflict led to one of the greatest plots in all of Rebels with the return of Darth Maul as he and Kanan battled to see who would become the padawan's teacher. With the reintroduction of Ahsoka as neither a Jedi nor a Sith, there was yet another role model thrown into the mix.

With so much potential for the future of Ezra's character represented by these three mentors, the show fails to deliver and the pull towards the Darkside plot is left behind.

The 'will he won't he' of Ezra becoming a Sith is overall poorly handled and ultimately falls flat with no real pay off either way.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.