Star Wars Rebels: Ranking The Crew Of The Ghost Worst To Best

4. Kanan Jarrus

Star Wars Rebels Season 2

Kanan is often overlooked as the generic mentor character of the series.

However, Kanan's personal tale of endurance and acceptance is one of the most relatable stories in the entire show.

As a padawan during Order 66, Caleb Dume went into hiding only to emerge years later as the freedom fighter, Kanan Jarrus. Without much formal training, he adopts Ezra as his apprentice to help guide and protect him from the looming inquisitor threat.

Kanan understands that not everything about the Jedi order makes sense and even shows some leniency in his teachings. This is most evident between his love for fellow rebel Hera as the two eventually have a son together.

Throughout his life, he has lost countless friends, family, his eyesight, and fathered a child all without succumbing to the Darkside and slaughtering a bunch of younglings.

Kanan is the Jedi many aspire to be even with his terrible Season 4 haircut.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.