Star Wars Rebels Season 4: 13 Questions That Must Be Answered

4. Does Ahsoka Live?

Star Wars Rebels Ahsoka Lives

Fans refused to believe that Ahsoka met her end on Malachor after her confrontation with former master, Darth Vader in Twilight of the Apprentice. The ending shows her walking deeper into the Sith Temple though whether she is alive, or has become a Force Ghost is left to pure speculation.

But if Vader managed to get out of their alive, surely Ahsoka could too… right?

Filoni decided to toy with the fans even further at Star Wars Celebration, by changing his T-shirt midway through from one reading “Ahsoka Lives?” to another reading “Ahsoka Lives!”. It may only be a punctuation change, but it’s one that fans picked up on quickly, but Filoni, as usual, didn’t comment further.

Everything suggests that Ahsoka will return to Season Four, but the real question is in what form? As a Force Ghost? As herself? Or as this wolf that everyone keeps talking about? Many believe that Ahsoka has managed to return as some kind of spiritual animal, with long-time fans making connections back to the Mortis arc in The Clone Wars.

After they introduced the Bendu, anything is possible. The Force works in mysterious ways.

Bringing Ahsoka back, if only briefly would be another nice way to bring the series to a close. She became an integral part of the story and has become a fan-favourite across both shows.

It would be wonderful to have the chance to say goodbye, one last time.


Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down