Star Wars Rebels Season 4: 13 Questions That Must Be Answered

5. Will Thrawn's Legacy End?

Star Wars Rebels Ahsoka Lives
The Walt Disney Company

Fans were overjoyed when it was revealed that Grand Admiral Thrawn was set to debut during the third season of Star Wars Rebels. After the focus being on Vader and the Inquisitors during the second season, Thrawn brought more of the militaristic approach to fighting the Rebellion and demonstrated his uncanny ability as a commander.

But the big question is, does Thrawn’s legacy end with Rebels?

Why wouldn’t a Grand Admiral like Thrawn have a more prominent presence in the original trilogy? He doesn't necessarily have to die, but does need to be out of the picture. The Thrawn Trilogy, now non-canon, was set after the events of Return of the Jedi with the Grand Admiral fighting the New Republic. Is it impossible to think they will draw from that old material? Or is this all just wishful thinking?

Star Wars Rebels - Ruhk
Disney XD

What’s setting off alarm bells, is the fact that Warwick Davis is voicing the above character, Rukh, another character resurrected from the Old Expanded Universe. Rukh begins as Thrawn’s bodyguard and personal assassin, but ends turning on his old master. Could this mean that Thrawn once again falls at the hands of the noghri assassin? Bendu’s warning in Zero Hour certainly foreshadowed his end.

I’m sure I speak for a lot of fans when I say we don’t want Thrawn to end here. It would be a shame to kill off a character that is not only a fan-favourite, but a character with so much more potential. His victory on Atollon was a sliver of what he is capable of. Let's hope we see more.


Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down