Stargate: Every Series And Movie Ranked Worst To Best
9. Stargate SG-1: Season 6

Season 6 began riding what the last episode of Season 5 had set up, there's a new System Lord in town and he means serious business. The overly flamboyant Anubis attempts to blow up the SGC with tiny amounts of radiation and SG-1 has to deal with the fact that it lost it's heart and soul, the wise Daniel Jackson.
Trying to fill those shoes (and not really pulling it off) is Jonas Quinn, played by Corin Nemec. While delightful enough and recreating a lot of the stranger-in-a-strange-land humour that worked early on for Teal'c, he never quite hit the same stride and was often sidelined, especially in the truly brilliant episode 'Alleigence'.
Nevertheless, Daniel does show up once or twice, most notably in the haunting 'Abyss' and the reality shifting 'The Changeling' (a tour de force for Teal'c). The episode 'Prometheus' remains a fan favourite for finally showing us what a lot of this show has been building up to, the USAF Prometheus, the first of Earth's space battleships and it was worth the wait. While there are plenty of it's teething issues on display, seen mainly in 'Memento', this only endears the ship more to the fans.