Stargate: Every Series And Movie Ranked Worst To Best

8. Stargate SG-1: Season 5

stargate movie

Season 5 is where the writers and producers decided that the good guys had had it too easy for too long. Despite the first episode of this season seeing the end of long-term enemy Apophis, this season sees the removal of long-time allies the Tolan and the decimation of the Tok'ra, all while the System Lords ponder who a new enemy to them is in the central two-parter 'Summit' and 'The Last Stand'.

We also see the return of a few faces, like Chaka the Unas, Cadet Jennifer Hailey (the four-foot nine fighting machine) and, of course, Martin Lloyd in the show's 100th episode 'Wormhole X-Treme'. Martin is attempting to make a TV show about a team of intrepid military wormhole explorers and it's bad. It's very bad. Or very good, depending on exactly how you're looking at it.

This season also sees the introduction of characters that would be with us for quite some time, notably the new big enemy Anubis, as well as sarcastically flippant Ba'al, the sympathetic Jonas Quinn (in what would be Daniel Jackson's last episode... until it wasn't) and finally one annoying scientist by the name of Dr. Rodney McKay in the multi-faceted '48 Hours'. Great season.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'