Stranger Things: 15 Stupid Mistakes You Completely Missed

10. The Van With Regeneration Properties

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The residents of Hawkins weren't the only ones to find themselves going upside down during the show's first season. You might remember that Eleven single-handedly flipped one of the Department of Energy's concealed vans with her mind in one of the show's most iconic scenes. What you might not remember, however, is what happens after the van lands in a heap behind her and the gang.

It collides with the ground (and nearly takes out the other vans in the process) with such an impact that the whole front of the vehicle falls off immediately. However, the episode then cuts to El, Mike, Dustin and Lucas and once it cuts back to Brenner watching them from the wreckage, the bumpers and grill have been magically reattached. In fact, it's so reattached that the incredibly damaged hood of the vehicle is barely dented.

Either the original shot of the van landing showed too much or they forgot to remove the hood of the placed vehicle in the second shot, but the impact doesn't line-up with its aftermath here at all.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.