Stranger Things: 15 Stupid Mistakes You Completely Missed

9. Dig Dug

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'Dig Dug' may be the name of a Season 2 episode, but it was inspired by the classic 1982 arcade game of the same name - the very same game that we saw Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Will discuss in the first episode of the season.

Dustin and Lucas rushed to the game console to discover that they had been bested in the game by a newcomer named 'MADMAX' who had toppled the former by scoring over 100,000 more points than he did. It made for a fun opener and caught us up with the guys in a way that felt very true to the characters they were back in Season 1, all while maturing the boys just that little bit further.

The problem? Dig Dug consoles in the U.S. didn't allow extended high-scorer names until Dig Dug II came along in 1989. As a result, high-scorers could only use three letters (like DIG and DUG) - meaning that gameplay names like MADMAX or even DUSTIN or LUCAS just wouldn't have been possible in 1984.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.